Serenity Prayer Poster
This new Jewish take on the Serenity Prayer, made famous by 12 step programs, was inspired by Rabbi Yakov Danishefsky LSW, a Chicago based therapist and teacher.
In discussing the idea behind the design he said, "Faith-based living involves the art of untangling the confusing crossroads of human agency and Divine control. This balancing act is, for some, a matter of paradox, for others, a matter of compartmentalizing, and for others still, an ongoing journey of discernment. For all of us though, many a times, our anxieties, insecurities, and disappointments lie in the mixing up of where we must exert change and where we must flex the muscle of acceptance. The wisdom of 12-step addiction recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous captures the importance of change and acceptance, and offers us the “serenity prayer” to ask for assistance in this journey of discernment. Together with Yonatees, I hope to add Jewish-spiritual language to this prayer. May we all find our paths of acceptance, change, and discernment."
Poster is 12 inches by 18 inches printed on poster paper and will be shipped to your door.
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